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Privacy policy

Date : December 20, 2023

Welcome to the privacy policy of the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT !

Thank you for your interest in participating in the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT (hereinafter the ‘Event’) !

You will meet numerous exhibitors in the fields of Sharpening, Tool Manufacturing, Grinding, etc. (the ‘Exhibitors‘), and have the opportunity to explore the latest innovations in these sectors.

Our website and services allow you to manage your registration for the Event and any requests for additional services.

In this privacy policy (hereinafter the ‘Privacy Policy‘), we use the terms ‘we,’ ‘our,’ and ‘us’ to refer to the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT, whose address is indicated below :

AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT – 2 rue de Bussaguet – ZA du Taillan-Médoc – 33320 LE TAILLAN-MEDOC – France

The Privacy Policy applies to the policy implemented regarding the collection and use of your personal data (‘Personal Data‘) when you browse our website or use our services (such as event registration, use of our forms, etc.).

It explains (i) the origin and nature of the Personal Data we collect, (ii) the reason for their collection, (iii) how we use them, and (iv) the rights you have over this data in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended (‘Data Protection Act‘), and EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (‘GDPR‘).

The Privacy Policy is of dual importance: to ensure a positive and confident experience during your browsing on our website, the Event’s site, or when using our services, and to enable us to respond accurately and comprehensively to your questions regarding the collection and use of your personal data.

Furthermore, each service may, if applicable, be accompanied by specific provisions regarding Personal Data and confidentiality contained in the relevant terms and conditions of use.

The Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites or mobile applications that you may be redirected to when using our website and services. We encourage you to review the legal notices and privacy policies of these sites.

Finally, given the rapid evolution of web technologies, we may regularly make changes to the Privacy Policy. Therefore, we invite you to regularly review its content.

By using our website and/or services, you declare that you have understood and unreservedly accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy.

To achieve the purposes listed in Article 4 of the Privacy Policy, we may create a file consisting of personal information provided during the creation of a user account, when filling out forms, and/or when using our website, the Event’s site, and/or our services.

Herewith, you are informed of our methods and conditions for processing your Personal Data.

You can express your prior and explicit consent to the collection and processing of your Personal Data by our company on the website, when completing registration forms, and/or when using our services (especially through checkboxes), according to your preferences and the commercial communication settings you have chosen, in compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

By choosing our services, you will also receive information and offers related to our services and similar services.

We may collect directly from you, during the creation of a user account, when filling out forms, during the registration process for the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT Information and News Program, and/or when using our website and/or services, the following personal data :

– Name, first name ;

– Mobile phone number ;

– Email address ;

– Postal address and/or professional address ;

– Department ;

– Position ;

– And : Company structure, size, activity, detailed activity.

We inform you of the Personal Data for which collection is mandatory by the presence of an (*) in front of the field to be filled in the form.

Furthermore, we inform you that the press and television may be present at events organized by the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT, and that some photographs or videos in which you may appear during your visit could be used by the press and/or by us, on various media both online and offline, for the purpose of illustrating the Event and informing the public. SNAFOT is not responsible for photos/images/films captured at the Exhibition and disseminated by third-party professionals and individuals.

Browsing data includes Personal Data, notably :

– The identifier and content of a cookie file stored by us on your device ;

– The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device connected to the Internet ;

– The date and time of connection of a device to an electronic communication service ;

– The internet address of the originating internet page of the device accessing an electronic communication service ;

– The type of operating system used by the device (Windows, MacOS, Android, etc.) ;

– The type and version of the browsing software used by a device (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, etc.) ;

– The language of use of the browsing software used by the device.

Navigation Data is collected by the installation of cookies on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

A cookie is a small file downloaded to your device that enables certain features of the website, the Event’s site, and our services.

Cookies can be installed at our initiative or that of third parties to meet the purposes indicated in Article 4 herein (such as identifying your computer, generally securing your access to our website, the Event’s site, and/or our services).

Technical and functionality cookies

These cookies allow us to :

– Implement security measures on our website or the Event’s site ;

– Enhance your browsing experience by providing access to specific features that improve the smoothness and personalization of your navigation, such as :

§ Adapt the presentation of our website or the Event’s website or services to the display preferences of your device (language used, display resolution, etc.) ;

§ Remember Personal Information related to a form you filled out during your registration for the AFF’TECH Exhibition by SNAFOT Information and News Program ;

§ Benefit from caching pages on our website or the Event’s website and/or services for faster access to these various pages.

You understand that deleting these cookies does not prevent navigation on our website or the Event’s website but may significantly degrade the browsing experience. However, deleting these cookies may prevent the normal use of our website or the Event’s website and/or services.

If you do not want our website or the Event’s website and/or services to store cookies on your device, you can click on the links below :

List of technical and functionality cookies we use :

Cookie nameDeactivation Links
_gaCf. 3.2
_gidCf. 3.2

Cookies for Audience Measurement and Activity Tracking

These cookies allow us to :

– Generate statistics about the traffic volumes on our website or the Event’s website and/or services (number of visits, unique visitors, pages viewed, etc.) and compile reports and statistics regarding the use of various components (sections and contents visited, navigation paths taken) ;

– Improve the interest and ergonomics of our website or the Event’s website and/or services and the various components thereof ;

– Offer editorial content tailored to your interests ;

– Detect possible navigation difficulties.

You understand that deleting these cookies does not prevent navigation on our website or the website. However, refusing these cookies may result in displaying editorial content that is not tailored to your interests.

Retention Period : These cookies have a maximum lifespan of 13 months after their initial deposit on the user’s device.

If you do not want our website or the Event’s website and/or services to store cookies on your device, you can click on the links below :

List of tracking cookies used:

Cookie NameDeactivation Links
Google Adwords : Conversion CookieCf. 3.2
Linkedin : Conversion CookieCf. 3.2

Cookies Issued and Installed by Third Parties

We may include on our website, on the Event’s website and/or our services, computer applications from third parties that allow you to share content from our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services with other people or make your consultation or opinion about content from our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services known to these other people.

This is particularly the case with buttons such as “Share,” “Like,” from social networks such as “Facebook,” “Twitter,” “LinkedIn,” “Viadeo,” etc.

You understand that the social network or media providing such an application button may identify you through this button, even if you did not use this button when consulting our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the relevant social network or media to track your navigation on our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services simply because your account on the relevant social network or media was activated on your device (session open) during your navigation on our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your navigation on our website, the Event’s website, and/or our services and associated with the personal data they have.

Therefore, we invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks to learn about the methods of collection, purposes of use, including advertising, of the navigation information they may collect through these application buttons. These privacy protection policies should, in particular, allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, including by configuring your user accounts for each of these networks.

To learn about the privacy protection policy of the aforementioned social networks (without this list being exhaustive), click on the URL of the social network of your choice :

You can configure your Internet browser to restrict, block, or delete cookies from websites and/or services, regardless of the browser used. Thus, considering the specificities of the main Internet browsers available, you can consult the settings or privacy menu of the browser of your choice.

Regarding the main browsers freely accessible at the effective date of the Privacy Policy (without this list being exhaustive) :

– Edge™ :

– Internet Explorer™:

– Firefox™ :

– Safari™ :

– Chrome™ :

– Androïd™:

– Opera™ :

Each user can configure data sharing, privacy, and Internet navigation settings from the “settings” menu of their device when such a feature is available.

We collect and process your Personal Data to provide you with the following services:

Management of Your Registration

Your Personal Data is essential for processing and recording your registration for the Information and News Program of the AFF’TECH Salon organized by SNAFOT. Depending on your registration preferences, such as newsletters or badges/tickets, this allows you to :

– Order your badge and manage your file from pre-registration to badge delivery ;

– Receive your electronic badge via email ;

– Obtain your badge on-site and be welcomed by the Event organizer’s teams ;

– Receive practical information emails about the organization and content of the Event (date, location, access, program) ;

– Receive email notifications in case of cancellation, modification of the date, time, or venue of the Event ;

– Sponsor one or more persons to enable them to attend the Event ;

– Enjoy the benefits associated with Event registration, such as free parking and shuttle service to the event :

§ Free parking ;

§ Shuttle service to the event.

Operation of Our Website and Management of Our Services

We collect and process your Personal Data because it allows us to :

– Manage and administer your user account ;

– Conduct statistics or market studies for the continuous improvement of our services ;

– Prevent fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities, as well as in our efforts to maintain the security of our website

– Understand the use of our website so that we can constantly improve its features and security.

News and Commercial Information

During the creation of your user account, filling out forms, or when registering for the Information and News Program of the AFF’TECH Salon organized by SNAFOT, you may have access to the following proposals :

– Receive information about products and/or services from the Exhibitors at the Event ;

– Receive information about products and/or services from our Partners related to your professional sector ;

– Receive newsletters dedicated to specific themes (Agri-food, Vegetables, Fruits, etc.) developed by the Exhibitors at the Event or by our Partners related to your professional sector ;

– Possibly be informed about other professional trade shows organized by SNAFOT.

Regarding Newsletters :

By clicking on the hyperlink in each newsletter and reproduced below, “In accordance with the provisions of Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, and EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, you have the rights to access your personal data, rectify or erase it, the right to limit the processing concerning you, or the right to object to it, and the right to data portability. You can exercise these rights by clicking here or by mail to: AFF’TECH Salon de SNAFOT – 2 rue de Bussaguet – ZA du Taillan-Médoc – 33320 LE TAILLAN-MEDOC – France. See here the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy of the AFF’TECH Salon de SNAFOT.”

Regarding Products or Services of the AFF’TECH Salon de SNAFOT :

You may be subject to direct email prospecting from our teams regarding products or services similar to those we provided to you via the website or our services. In this case, you can always express your opposition to any new solicitation free of charge, via the hyperlink provided for this purpose.

We retain your Personal Data as long as your user account exists or as necessary to provide you with services related to our services.

Personal Data used for sending commercial information or prospecting is kept in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL in deliberation n°2016-264 of July 21, 2016.

You have the option to delete your user account, or to object to commercial prospecting or unsubscribe from these mailing lists by exercising the rights listed below.

You understand that keeping your Personal Data in our information system is a legitimate interest in administrative, legal, and security terms. This retention beyond the duration of the purposes indicated in Article 4 “Use of your data” is necessary to carry out your requests for opposition, limitation of processing operations, and deletion of your Personal Data, and to fulfill any legal, accounting, or tax obligation to retain Personal Data (especially for evidentiary purposes) or to communicate to authorized authorities (administration, police services, etc.). We are committed to maintaining a high level of security and confidentiality for your data, restricting access to authorized personnel only, and not processing them for purposes to which you have not consented.

We share your Personal Data with :

– our teams and personnel responsible for marketing, sales, customer relationship management and prospecting, administrative services, internal control procedures, logistics, and information technology, as well as their hierarchical superiors ;

– control services (internal service at the Salon AFF’TECH de SNAFOT but also the statutory auditors, etc.)

– subcontractors under signed contracts, which (i) specify their obligations regarding the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personal data under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation and (ii) particularly specify the security objectives to be achieved ;

– our current and future subsidiaries and companies under common control ;

– toute socany company as part of a control transfer operation of our company (majority stake, partial contribution of assets, sale of business, merger acquisition, without limitation) ;

– ministerial officers, competent authorities, and legal auxiliaries, if any, in the context of the exercise of any procedure and/or public law provision ;

– our business partners (in accordance with your preferences for commercial prospecting).

In the course of using your Personal Data, the information we collect may be transferred, stored, and processed in any country or territory where one or more of our affiliated companies or subcontractors are located; it is specified that these countries are located in the European Union, and if that were not the case, appropriate safeguards within the meaning of Article 46 and following of the GDPR would be implemented.

In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you have the following rights :

– accéder aux informations concernant le traitement de vos Données Personnelles (catégorie de données, finalités, etc.)Access information about the processing of your Personal Data (category of data, purposes, etc.) ;

– Delete your user account by logging into your user account and modifying the settings (when this option is available) or by contacting us via email : ;

– Correct or update inaccurate Personal Data by logging into your user account and modifying the settings (when this option is available) or by contacting us via email : ;

– Delete your Personal Data by logging into your user account and modifying the settings (when this option is available) or by contacting us via email : ;

– Limit the processing operations of your Personal Data that we carry out when you dispute the accuracy of the Personal Data (limitation for a duration allowing us to verify the accuracy of your Personal Data), or the lawfulness of the processing (but you authorize us to continue), by contacting us via email : ;

– Receive a copy of your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format by contacting us via email : ; it is specified that any request for a copy beyond the first may generate administrative processing costs that will be billed to you. You are informed that Personal Data that is derived, calculated, or inferred by us from the data you provide to us is excluded from the right to portability, to the extent that they are not provided by you but created by us ;

– Object at any time to the processing of Personal Data for commercial prospecting purposes by unsubscribing from the mailing list by clicking the dedicated hyperlink in the commercial prospecting email ;

– Lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, Tel: 01 53 73 22 22 ;

To preserve the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data, we reserve the right to ask for proof of your identity to verify its accuracy before exercising the rights listed above.

In case of excessive requests from you, especially due to their repetitive nature, we reserve the right not to respond to any access request subsequent to an access request to your Personal Data duly satisfied by us.

We implement organizational and technical security measures designed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your Personal Data.

All our data stored on our servers is protected by [secure portal under HTTPS protocol, data encryption in transit under SSL protocol, firewall barriers, use of antivirus, access management, intrusion detection]

However, given the nature of the public network that is the Internet, you acknowledge and agree that the security of transmissions via the Internet and the integrity of Personal Data cannot be guaranteed.

In the event of a security breach resulting in a violation of Personal Data, we undertake to implement fixes as soon as possible and to notify you, as well as the CNIL if applicable, of this violation, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

We may modify the Privacy Policy at any time, and if we make significant changes, we will inform you by email at the address provided during the creation of your user account, to give you the opportunity to review the changes before they take effect.

If you object to any of the modifications, you can delete your user account.

Si vous continuez à consulter notre siIf you continue to visit our website, the event website, and/or use our services after the publication or sending of notice regarding the changes made to this Privacy Policy, it means that you accept the updated Privacy Policy without reservation.

You can share your questions or comments regarding the Privacy Policy at the address provided below :

You can also use this address if you wish to request access to the Personal Data we hold about you.